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The majority society culture of remembrance of the National Socialist persecution of the European Roma developed much later than the history of the Jewish minority or the persecution of political or church opponents of the National Socialists. Until the verdict was revised in 1963, the URO constantly intervened in the Bundestag's Compensation Committee and collected material on the persecution of Roma for the relevant trials. Only two trials led to verdicts. He then played again for two years in Grenoble and won the League Cup again with the Brûleurs de Loups in 2015. In 9-Ball he was also Austrian Junior Champion for the last time. Schweriner SC became German champion. Operators of German World Cup ticker sites can only dream of numbers like this. This and the following actions by initially smaller groups not only changed the media and political perspective on the minority, they also contributed significantly to the gathering of a large part of the population group, which was fragmented into sub-ethnic groups and family associations, in the state associations and member organizations of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma ( Heidelberg) as well as in smaller interest groups with regional significance. However, this was irrelevant for the assessment of the National Socialist crimes against the Roma minority. In the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials, which were groundbreaking for NSG trials, crimes against Roma remained marginal. They treated – such as B. the two Nuremberg follow-up trials mentioned or some federal German proceedings such as the Chelmno trial – the crimes against Roma usually only have a lower priority in more extensive crime complexes.

In away games during the 2010/11 season, Rostock supporters repeatedly used prohibited pyrotechnics, with the away game in Dresden in October 2010 in particular prompting the club to refrain from hosting guest fans in the next two away games before the DFB sports court issued an identical ruling explain. This judgment confirmed the refusal to pay compensation, which had been customary up to that point, and justified the continuation of this practice. König took his own life before the verdict was final. The trial of Ernst-August König, SS squad leader and block leader in the "gypsy camp" in Auschwitz-Birkenau, ended with "life imprisonment". In 1974, Vinzenz Rose, Sinto and one of the early and at that time rare actors in the emerging civil rights movement, had a memorial erected in Auschwitz-Birkenau to commemorate those murdered in the "gypsy camp". In 1956, the Federal Court of Justice ruled, as had several higher regional courts before it, that until the deportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau the persecution was motivated by the "asocial characteristics of the gypsies" but not by "racial ideology". The prosecution was traced back to preventive crime fighting and remained a marginal phenomenon of research until the early 1970s. She remained connected to anthropological research on "Gypsies" and illegally managed part of the RHF's files, whose material she evaluated with funding from the DFG.

Some of the accused were again entrusted with managerial functions in administration and the police executive, not infrequently in the old area of ​​activity. In the proceedings against the scientific staff of the RHF, the judges accepted the protective claims of the accused or recognized a lack of evidence. The investigations against Karsten in Frankenthal (Palatinate) and against Eichberger, Maly, Karl-Wilhelm Supp, Heinrich Böhlhoff and 42 others in Cologne were discontinued because the judges believed that the accused did not know the purpose of the Auschwitz decree and because they were out of their official positions could not have recognized either. The deportation organizers Paul Werner (Stuttgart), Karl-Wilhelm Supp and Josef Eichberger (Munich) as well as Leo Karsten (Karlsruhe) were commissioned to make groundbreaking preliminary decisions in the compensation proceedings. The Munich Higher Regional Court even went beyond the BGH. Instead, they quickly moved into the Olympic Ice Stadium, which has been home to the EHC Munich ice hockey team since 2002. The State Office for Criminal Identification Service in Stuttgart, in cooperation with the Central Office for Criminal Identification and Police Statistics in Munich and the Landfahrer Police Office of the State Police in Karlsruhe, juventus jersey was appointed as the examining body for "reparation applications from Gypsies and Gypsy half-breeds". In the same year, Josep Sunyol, then club president and member of the separatist ERC, was summarily shot by troops of the later dictator Francisco Franco.

Federal President Roman Herzog declared on March 16, 1997 at the opening of a Roma documentation and cultural center in Berlin: “The genocide of the Sinti and Roma was carried out for the same motive of racial madness, with the same intent and the same will for systematic and final annihilation become like that of the Jews. genocide", and expressly referred to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust. Schmidt recognized the genocide of the minority and its racist motivation. Chancellor Helmut Kohl confirmed this position during a Bundestag debate on November 7, 1985. Since then, German criminal law has qualified the willful destruction of a "national, racial, religious or ethnic group" as "genocide". The Sapling Cup was known for a time in its early years as the "Henderson Sapling Cup" – named after sponsor Henderson Land Development. The United Restitution Organization (URO) rated these wrongful convictions as scandalous.

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